Register with us as a New Patient




Changes to registration during Covid-19 Pandemic

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, patients are asked to register without coming into the practice. To register you will need to complete our online registration form.


Check you live inour boundary area


New Patient Registration

To register at the practice you need to live within the practice catchment area as outlined in the practice area map, you then have 2 options.

  1. Use our Online Registration Form. This will speed the registration process at Reception (you can upload your proof of ID at the end of the form)
  2. Come to reception and complete a Registration and Practice Health Questionnaire.                      

Please allow 10 working days for your Registration to be processed. 


Registration of Children

We cannot register anyone under the age of 16 without an Adult being registered. 

To Register a child, please ensure that you bring the following information.

  • Record of Previous Immunisations (i.e. child's Red Book)
  • Birth Certificate
  • School/College Letter - If over the age of 5 years old)

Safe Surgeries

We are proud to be a safe surgery for everyone in our community, and pledge to ensure that everyone in our community receives the quality healthcare they are entitled to.

In partnership with Doctors of the World UK, we will ensure that our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services. We will ensure that a lack of identification, proof of address, or  immigration status do not prevent patient registration.

As a member of the Safe Surgeries community, we will endeavour to support other Safe Surgeries and the development of the network.

If you wish to register, please speak to a member of staff who can help and support you with the process of registration.

Learn more at Doctors of the World UK